Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fear and Following

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    There are so many voices competing for our attention and following. Advertisers, friends, family, God, culture, etc. The noise is loud around us and it is difficult to hear God’s voice.

    King Saul said this about fear and following, “I have sinned … because I feared the people and obeyed their voice.”
    So often I fear what people think, what they will say or maybe even what they will do to me so I obey their voice. I obey what they think I should do, what they expect or maybe even something wrong. Because I care about self-preservation, being liked, etc and am afraid of people’s response, I listen to their voice. I fear and I follow.

    Many of us have heard God’s voice. We know what He is calling us to do. It may be spending time with your child rather than sending another email. It may be the call to teach and lead others rather than study alone and for yourself. Many of us have heard God’s voice but are afraid to follow because of what others will think, how they will respond, what they will do.

    How does fear of others lead you? How have you overcome that fear and allowed God to lead?

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**
Have more than two minutes? Read the story referred to above in 1 Samuel 15

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