Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gratitude and Sadness

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    I am just so sad. West, Texas, a town we regularly drive through is in shock, mourning, grieving, struggling. I look for the helpers as Mr. Rogers is quoted and even the helpers are hurt and maybe even gone. I see more helpers and I am beyond grateful.

    And then there is Boston and the first responders, the investigators, the running community. And then there is the homeless of our city and the many who meet their needs. And then there is the human trafficking everywhere and the abolitionists who fight to free them. And then ...

    I am so grateful for those who respond, serve, protect, work, battle.

    Yet my gratitude and sadness take their turns. How is it possible to be grateful and sad at the same time? This is where we find ourselves - moving back and forth between sadness and gratitude. Is not this pendulum swing a reality? A great tension in life?

    But today I am mostly sad and that is okay.

    Will you give yourself time, space and silence to grieve today?

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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