Wednesday, April 17, 2013

No (Good) Answers

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    The older (and hopefully wiser) we get the more we realize how few answers we have … at least to the really important and difficult questions. Life becomes less black and white and the shades of gray increase. We realize we have limitations and our capacity is sometimes stops short of what we would hope to get accomplished.

    As I grow in faith I realize that I do not have many answers, well, good answers. I may be able to answer a question but it is not necessarily a good one. As I grow in faith I realize more and more how mysterious God is and how much faith He calls for; the call to trust. I read about God and the lives of those He loves in the Bible and sometimes have no clue what to do with a foreign culture, story and actions that overwhelm me.

    The answers I had as a child no longer work or at least I have new questions the old answers do not address. I guess that is all part of growing up.

    It is during these times that God calls me to draw nearer. He calls me to faith and to trust although I do not know. I have no answers, at least good ones, yet God meets me in my questions.

    He may not answer you as you expected but He is faithful to meet you in your questions.

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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