Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spilled Milk

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

    It’s not that the milk has spilled it is that it has spilled for the millionth time.
I get so frustrated cleaning up milk. I am convinced that our carpet is dirty from two main sources – dirt from our dog and spilled milk. In all the brilliance in the world you would think someone could invent a straw sippy cup that did not leak!

    Again and again and again. Spilled milk.

    I do not know what the spilled milk is in your life today but my prayer for myself and my prayer for you is for the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to help us to clean up the spilled milk yet again. That we would go to God with whatever repeated frustrated and ask for His help because left to ourselves and our frustration it’s not going to be pretty.

    Prayer for supernatural power, however it is needed today.

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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