Thursday, April 25, 2013

Vision Thwarted

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

We have pictures, ideas, vision for how we would love things to turn out. Maybe you have had a goal in mind and something or someone stops you. Maybe you have a picture of how something should be but you cannot quite get there. Maybe you have to wait and the timing of your achievement has been thrown off. This is so frustrating and deflating! To have a vision thwarted can lead to discouragement, lost hope and even despair. Are you there today?

    If you are there, take a deep breath, allow yourself to vent, grieve, voice your disappointment.

    Talk to God, be real, share your frustration.

    Take hope in this: God’s vision is never thwarted. God completes that which He sets out to do. In the grand scheme of things, God has got things under control. You may not, but He does.

    My prayer is for you to rest in God’s love because ultimately this is what our frustration and disappointment may be all about – the struggle to rest in God’s love. Take a deep breath, be real and rest. He’s got you.

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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