Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Terror and Terrible Things

**Sit quietly, eyes closed and in silence for one minute before reading.**

“Terror can make people feel like all they have is terrible choices.”

                                      – Ann Voskamp

    This line struck me as I read a blog post by Ann Voskamp. “Terror can make people feel like all they have is terrible choices.” Feelings of terror and fear lead us to desperately grasp for a way out, any way out of the feeling and reality of danger. The feelings of terror and fear lead me to feelings (and the reality) that I am truly NOT in control. So in desperation I reach for anything that will give me a sense of control, anything that will shelter me from the pain, from the fear, from the vulnerability … and this “anything” is not usually good. I grasp for control because I ultimately believe I am in charge of the my own security. I grasp for control because it makes me feel safe although this is far from truth.

    As I grasp for anything that will take away the feelings of fear and vulnerability I settle down into a self-made security that can crumble at any moment. Recognizing the instability of self-made security I continue to grasp, I continue to control.

    How about you? How does fear lead you to grasp for control, create your own security and rely on yourself? What would happen if you turned to God, the only One who we can find true security in?

**Sit again in silence for as long as is available to you.**

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